Mastercard card details are required for registration to, including access to Sweepstakes. is a Mastercard controlled website and card details will not be used for any purpose other than to verify that consumers have a valid Mastercard card to gain access to the exclusive content on
Mastercard runs a wide range of promotions throughout the year to reward cardholders. When a cardholder does win a promotion, we usually contact them via a telephone call or email. However, we also understand that spam emails and calls happen every day. That's why we've included a list of trustworthy agencies that work on our behalf to communicate these fantastic promotions:
We know that security is of paramount importance for all cardholders, which is why we've set up an address at It's so you can email us any queries you may have regarding the authenticity of promotions. Just send us a quick message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
In order to fulfil prize packages, we may ask you to provide or confirm some information. This could include:
Please note that outside of, we will not ask you for your: